Asia Urban Lighting Workshop
The Asia Urban Lighting Workshop (AULW) is the annual regional workshop on sustainable urban lighting tailored for Asian cities in the LUCI network and beyond. It was organised for the first time in 2017, by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and LUCI.
This workshop aims to provide public lighting decision-makers in Asia an overview of the opportunities and benefits of sustainable urban lighting.
It is a unique opportunity for Asian lighting professionals and decision-makers to meet and learn from urban lighting experts and engage in peer-to-peer knowledge, transfer and exchange of good practices and solutions. This will be enabled especially through group discussions and analysis, interactive work sessions, networking and site visits.
This year's workshop will focus on the theme "Fun Light, Fun City."
This edition will bring you fun by bringing urban lighting trends once again through special lectures, case studies, and networking opportunities.
Registrations will open soon, do not miss your chance to join us in Seoul!
The 7th Asia Urban Lighting Workshop video clip
LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International)
LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International) is the international network
of cities on urban lighting.
Since 2002, LUCI brings together local authorities worldwide
that sustainably use light as a tool for social, cultural and economic development.
Cities are joined by associated members from the urban lighting ecosystem
including the lighting industry, design agencies, light artists and light festival organisers, research institutes and more.