In-kyu Choi
Director-General of Seoul Design Policy Bureau
In-kyu ChoiDirector-General of Seoul Design Policy Bureau
Kwan-ho Lee
Director of Seoul Urban Landscape Division
Kwan-ho LeeDirector of Seoul Urban Landscape Division
Jae-hyun Ryu
Art Director of the Hangang Bitseom Festival
Jae-hyun RyuArt Director of the Hangang Bitseom Festival
Amine Sadak
: Deputy Mayor of the City of Rabat and LUCI President.
Amine Sadak: Deputy Mayor of the City of Rabat and LUCI President.
Jasmine van der Pol
LUCI Senior Programme Manager
Jasmine van der Pol LUCI Senior Programme Manager
Ronald Ramakers
Director of GLOW Eindhoven
Ronald RamakersDirector of GLOW Eindhoven
Lee-nam Lee
Media Artist and CEO of Leeleenam Studio
Lee-nam LeeMedia Artist and CEO of Leeleenam Studio
Jung-ha Yang
CEO of Easywid Co., Ltd.
Jung-ha YangCEO of Easywid Co., Ltd.
Pete Shing
Principal Lighting Designer of Cundall
Pete ShingPrincipal Lighting Designer of Cundall
Gill Minervini
Festival director of Vivid Sydney
Gill MinerviniFestival director of Vivid Sydney
Miki Matsushita
CEO of Miki Matsushita Lighting Design Co., Ltd. / Lighting Designer / Doctor (Philosophy in Health and Environmental Sciences)
Miki MatsushitaCEO of Miki Matsushita Lighting Design Co., Ltd. / Lighting Designer / Doctor (Philosophy in Health and Environmental Sciences)
Youn-joo Cho
Senior Researcher, Department of Architectural Engineering, Sejong University
Youn-joo Cho Senior Researcher, Department of Architectural Engineering, Sejong University
Mike Simpson
Global Application Lead of Signify
Mike SimpsonGlobal Application Lead of Signify
Cyril Lamy
Creative Director of ScenoLight Atelier
Cyril LamyCreative Director of ScenoLight Atelier
Cheol-hee Lim
Director of Public Design Team, Architecture Division, Incheon Metropolitan City Hall
Cheol-hee LimDirector of Public Design Team, Architecture Division, Incheon Metropolitan City Hall
Na-eun Lee
Assistant Director, Urban Landscape Division, Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall
Na-eun LeeAssistant Director, Urban Landscape Division, Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall
Yeon-so Lee
Ph.D., Lighting Designer of ULP Co., Ltd.
Yeon-so LeePh.D., Lighting Designer of ULP Co., Ltd.